
Black Screen

lyasder opened this issue · 0 comments

hi! After giving admin right's and login i have black screen. Maybe i do something wrong, but i see anoter issue and there no answer.
When i play without admin right's - all was fine
server log
[20-06-14 00:40:17] Resources: 208 loaded, 0 failed [20-06-14 00:40:17] Starting resources... [20-06-14 00:40:18] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.7-9.20447.0 [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgBaseDefines loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgServer loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgSecurity loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgLoot loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgVehicles loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgWorld loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgNutritions loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgDifficulty loaded (Difficulty: normal) [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgSettings loaded [20-06-14 00:40:18] INFO: [DayZ] cfgBackpacks loaded [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_GlobalChat' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_antiglitch' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] INFO: [DayZ] Base objects loaded. TOTAL: 0 [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_basecreator' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_deadstreets' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_gip' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_modmanager' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] startResource: Resource 'addon_speedometer' started [20-06-14 00:40:19] [DayZ] CONNECTED TO VEHICLE DATABASE. [20-06-14 00:40:19] [DayZ] CONNECTED TO TENTS DATABASE. [20-06-14 00:40:19] [DayZ] VEHICLES HAVE BEEN LOADED. [20-06-14 00:40:19] [DayZ] TENTS HAVE BEEN LOADED. [20-06-14 00:40:19] [DayZ] CONNECTED TO SKILLS DATABASE. [20-06-14 00:40:23] Authorized serial account protection is enabled for the ACL group(s): Admin See [20-06-14 00:40:23] WARNING: <owner_email_address> not set [20-06-14 00:40:23] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [20-06-14 00:40:23] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [20-06-14 00:40:23] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [20-06-14 00:40:23] [DayZ] MTA DayZ is up-to-date. [20-06-14 00:40:38] CONNECT: lyasd connected (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483 Version: 1.5.7-9.20447.3) [20-06-14 00:40:39] JOIN: lyasd joined the game (IP: ) [20-06-14 00:40:39] WARNING: login/login_server.lua:35: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 00:40:39] ERROR: login/login_server.lua:36: attempt to index local 'playerData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 00:41:04] CONNECT: Developer connected (IP: Serial: 1BD0F28E9ABA38D90689E564420AAA42 Version: 1.5.7-9.20447.3) [20-06-14 00:41:04] JOIN: Developer joined the game (IP: ) [20-06-14 00:41:20] LOGIN: (Everyone, Admin) lyasd successfully logged in as 'lyasder' (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483) [20-06-14 00:41:23] WARNING: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:222: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 00:41:23] ERROR: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:224: attempt to index local 'inventoryData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 00:41:52] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 00:41:52] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 00:42:18] LOGIN: (Everyone) Developer successfully logged in as 'cudder' (IP: Serial: 1BD0F28E9ABA38D90689E564420AAA42) [20-06-14 00:42:20] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 00:42:20] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 00:42:21] WARNING: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:222: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 00:42:21] ERROR: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:224: attempt to index local 'inventoryData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 00:42:22] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 00:42:28] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 00:42:28] QUIT: Developer left the game [Quit] [20-06-14 00:42:30] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 00:42:30] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 00:42:35] CONNECT: Developer connected (IP: Serial: 1BD0F28E9ABA38D90689E564420AAA42 Version: 1.5.7-9.20447.3) [20-06-14 00:42:35] JOIN: Developer joined the game (IP: ) [20-06-14 00:43:09] LOGIN: (Everyone) Developer successfully logged in as 'developer' (IP: Serial: 1BD0F28E9ABA38D90689E564420AAA42) [20-06-14 00:47:49] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 00:47:49] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 00:53:47] QUIT: lyasd left the game [Quit] [20-06-14 00:53:57] CONNECT: lyasd connected (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483 Version: 1.5.7-9.20447.3) [20-06-14 00:53:57] JOIN: lyasd joined the game (IP: ) [20-06-14 00:53:58] WARNING: login/login_server.lua:35: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 00:53:58] ERROR: login/login_server.lua:36: attempt to index local 'playerData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 00:55:27] LOGIN: (Everyone) lyasd successfully logged in as 'lyasd' (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483) [20-06-14 00:55:30] WARNING: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:222: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 00:55:30] ERROR: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:224: attempt to index local 'inventoryData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 00:56:28] QUIT: lyasd left the game [Quit] [20-06-14 01:01:12] CONNECT: lyasd connected (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483 Version: 1.5.7-9.20447.3) [20-06-14 01:01:12] JOIN: lyasd joined the game (IP: ) [20-06-14 01:01:12] WARNING: login/login_server.lua:35: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 01:01:12] ERROR: login/login_server.lua:36: attempt to index local 'playerData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 01:02:00] LOGIN: (Everyone, Admin) lyasd successfully logged in as 'lyasder' (IP: Serial: 98C1B6BB57A845A3611CDD767FB7F483) [20-06-14 01:02:03] WARNING: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:222: Bad argument @ 'fromJSON' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [20-06-14 01:02:03] ERROR: DayZ/init/players/login_init.lua:224: attempt to index local 'inventoryData' (a nil value) [20-06-14 01:02:24] ADMIN: lyasd has warped to lyasd [20-06-14 01:02:33] ADMIN: lyasd has moved lyasd to Developer [20-06-14 01:02:40] ADMIN: lyasd has moved lyasd to the 0 dimension [20-06-14 01:04:23] ERROR: DayZ/tools/exports.lua:55: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [20-06-14 01:04:23] ERROR: dayzadmin/dayzadmin_s.lua:122: call: failed to call 'DayZ:setPlayerStatus' [string "?"] [20-06-14 01:04:29] ERROR: DayZ/tools/exports.lua:55: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [20-06-14 01:04:29] ERROR: dayzadmin/dayzadmin_s.lua:122: call: failed to call 'DayZ:setPlayerStatus' [string "?"] [20-06-14 01:06:49] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:07:19] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:07:22] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:07:30] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:26: call: Failed, the resource mapmanager isn't running [20-06-14 01:07:30] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean) [20-06-14 01:07:43] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:08:26] ADMIN: lyasd has warped to Developer [20-06-14 01:08:41] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:08:47] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:08:47] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:09:08] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:09:14] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:11:25] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:11:34] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:11:43] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:11:52] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:13:21] ERROR: DayZ/handlers/zombies/server/general_zombies.lua:42: 'for' limit must be a number [20-06-14 01:25:12] QUIT: Developer left the game [Quit] [20-06-14 01:25:12] [DayZ] Player account developer has been saved.