
Small map validator for 42 School so_long project

Primary LanguagePython


This tool was developed to help 42 students, specifically in so_long. At the time of the first launch (February 6th 2023), the tool was built using the most up-to-date version of the subject found so far on intra.

This tool is currently ONLY performing tests to ensure your project does not support wrongly formatted maps. Make sure you check the releases section to keep-up-to date on any new changes.

This is great, you mind if I use your code?

You are free to fork the repository and study/modify/test the code on your own. However, I would really appreciate it if you could text me on Slack (ncarvalh) whenever you find a bug or you have a suggestion, so I can properly introduce hotfixes or deploy some quality-of-life patches that can benefit the 42 community in general.

Are there any pre-requirements?

Make sure your so_long project has a functional Makefile with all the mandatory rules.

In order to correctly execute the tool, you must:

  • have Python installed;
  • have either Ubuntu or WSL on your computer;
  • install pip ONLY IF there is a missing package that you might need to install manually (text me, otherwise I won't know);

Repository contents

Folder/File Description
maps/valid/ Maps that your project should accept
maps/invalid/ Maps that your project should not accept (used by the py script)
maps/generated/ Generated maps after running the python script
generator.py The python script to automate maps generation
tester.sh The shell script used to fetch the output from your project

Next steps

1. Fork/download the code from the repository to any path of your choice in your computer (the best would be to sit right next to your so_long folder, like described below)

2. If your directory tree looks like this...

	├── so_long_map_validator	(this directory)
	├── so_long 				(your repository)

then you can skip this step. Otherwise, you must change the PROJ variable on the Makefile. It should look something like this:

	#_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_ FOLDERS _/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_/=\_
	PROJ = ../so_long

3. If you reached this step, you can finally execute it! This project uses a mix of shell and python scripts, so there are no compilations. Also, the Makefile was purposedly developed to easy the management of this programs, so this Makefile will compile yours and execute the tests.

To compile the mandatory part, your executable must be named as so_long


If you need to compile your bonus you must have your executable named as so_long_bonus and run the following command:

make bonus

To generate a new map, use:

make gen

To clean all the generated maps so far, use:

make cleangen

The fclean and clean rules will clean your project object files.

The Makefile was configured to pull updates from the repository, so its ok if it is taking a while to start. After looking for updates, the tool should display something like this:

Correct Output
Correct Output

or this, if any misconfiguration of any kind happened:

Error Output
Error Output

Generating maps

Alongside with the shell script, there is a generator.py file that can be used to generate a new map, valid or invalid (that's random for now) with given height and width specified by input.

The generated map will be placed inside the maps/generated folder.

A glimpse on how the script should behave

Map Generation Script
Map Generation Script


Nuno Jesus, 42 Porto, ncarvalh