
Time message was sent

Closed this issue · 12 comments

It would be cool to see a feature implemented to add to the protocol information to when the message was sent. At what time it was sent.

This is already in the protocol, just not displayed.

It would be great for this to be visible though :D

I only have so much time to work on this app :p

Sorry if I sound so forceful. I'm just excited lol.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 24, 2015, at 3:19 PM, Felix Ableitner wrote:

I only have so much time to work on this app :p

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And it is becoming a great app! :d

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 24, 2015, at 3:19 PM, Felix Ableitner wrote:

I only have so much time to work on this app :p

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Maybe you could contribute some code to improve it :)

Sadly I do not know scala, nor anywhere near enough of Java. I know Python. And lol if bash counts. (I count it). I know Fortran, although u forget a lot of it.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 24, 2015, at 8:02 PM, Felix Ableitner wrote:

Maybe you could contribute some code to improve it :)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Ah too bad, but maybe you can learn it. Feel free to ask me if you need help ;)

Btw I'll be on vacation the next 3 weeks, so don't expect a lot of activity from me :p

@Nutomic Okay. Have a good time 😄

Maybe later once I am done with Java later inb my life I will learn Scala. It looks awesome. MNice syntax and keywording.


Was surprisingly easy to implement. Unlike most other stuff I guess^^