
EnsiChat Library (API)

deavmi opened this issue · 10 comments

I think EnsiChat could really do with a library (Shared Library - is that the word for this situation) as this could really open up the abilities to silently interact with EnsiChat and send data from one app to EnsiChat and then to a node.

Something like a little EnsiChat API.

Pretty close to #18.

But there's no point in doing either as long as there's no app that wants to use it (because we don't know the exact functionality they need).

Well I think it could be some basic functions and sub-routines like:

  1. getConnectedNodes()
  2. getMyNodeName()
  3. sendFile()
  4. sendText()

I see your point though.

By the way, has the release been put onto FDroid yet?

Their build passed and it should be up soon.

Btw, I can understand you're excited, but opening more issues won't speed things up ;)

@deavmi You can check F-Droid build progress here:

The newest build should be pushed as soon as you see a commit with the comment "Update known apks"

I know, I just like suggesting features.

The newest build should be pushed as soon as you see a commit with the comment "Update known apks"

Okay. 😸

Closing this for now, until there is a concrete request.

@Nutomic Okay 😄