
Out of band key exchange

Opened this issue · 3 comments

For situations where keys must be exchanged before bluetooth connection is possible.

For example: Two people plan to meet for the first time in a busy subway station. Having exchanged keys OoB (OTR chat for example), one can contact the other when they arrive. A secondary verification may be useful during this in person exchange.

Yes, I plan to add that soon. You will be able to enter the address of another node, or scan it as a qr code. Pretty much the way Syncthing does it.

For verification, click on the identicon to the left of a contact, and compare it to "My Address" on the other device. We should probably explain this to users, any idea how?

We should probably explain this to users, any idea how?

I think ChatSecure handles it well, but scanning a QR code twice may be confusing.


You'll only have to scan the qr code once, after that, the devices will start communicating over Bluetooth (or internet, once we have that).

Right, we could add a menu item for this dialog in the chat (with adjusted text of course).