

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It would be possible to add (now or in future) AES technologies to encrypt communications?

Communications already use end-to-end encryption with AES. There's no proper documentation about this yet, but the code is in the Crypto class.

OK thanks. I wanted to ask why it was not specified in the description. regards

You mean the description on Github? It says "Messages are encrypted", you think I should clarify that somehow?

Well I do not know, maybe yes. I asked because an app, on the Play Store, said to use a "strong encryption" and instead used a simple "rotation" of words. It's silly, but I wanted to ask to dispel any doubt. many people use inappropriately the terms "strong", "safe", etc.. and this fact is due to misunderstandings, especially for users who are novice

I've updated the description, hope this is clearer now.

Ok, thanks for the availability