
User friendly error messages from errno

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there a way to get user-friendly messages (static str or other) from errno numbers? I can't see anything except to refer to the table in cloudabi.txt:209.

For comparison, see from_raw_os_error which uses sys::os::error_string, which uses strerror_r internally. It looks like CloudABI error codes don't match up with POSIX error codes so will you provide an equivalent?

Hi Diggory,

It's safe to pass error codes from the Rust bindings to from_raw_os_error(). On CloudABI, that function is also implemented using strerror(). Inside of CloudABI's C library we ensure that the error codes are defined to match up with the ones from cloudabi.txt:

That said, maybe there is some elegant way to expose documentation strings in cloudabi.txt through the Rust bindings as well...? @m-ou-se thoughts?

Thanks for the quick response. I have no problem using from_raw_os_error in that case so I guess this is just a documentation issue.