
Recent force-push of master may not include commits from earlier

gotgenes opened this issue · 3 comments

I was unable to update nvim-colorizer.lua recently through a packer update. Looking at the git history, it appears there was recently a force-push to master. The history has since diverged. Changes that were on master may no longer be there. Potentially impacted issues may be #12. [Edit: I see that change still made it.]

The most recent commit I have from the old master is 2d85588. The newest commit on master today is 2664070. Their most recent ancestor is 84aa4ad. You might want to check the commits from the old branch and make sure they're contents are also on the new branch.

Below is a git log --graph of the two branches.

❯ git log --graph master origin/master
* 2664070 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Minor README tweaks including updating the doc links (#19) (2 days ago) <Rolv Apneseth>
*   4c8998c - Merge pull request #17 from Rolv-Apneseth/master (3 days ago) <Sidhanth Rathod>
| * 9bda301 - Updated packer example use line to point to the NvChad fork of nvim-colorizer.lua (3 days ago) <rolv>
| * 633cd09 - Minor fix for example options given in README.md so that it is valid Lua (3 days ago) <rolv>
* b23c0f2 - tailwind: Fix detach when attach is executed multiple times (3 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* 007f0ef - Make sure to use existing options when attaching buffer (3 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* a9aacd3 - Fix reload on au ColorScheme | Check if buffer is valid before attaching (4 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* 6323689 - tailwind: Do not use LspAttach method if vim version <= 7 (4 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* 7d3e620 - docs: Use name in Last Updated | Cleanup | Improve insert mode perf (4 days ago) <Akianonymus>
| * 2d85588 - (HEAD -> master) tailwind: Use true for normal mode (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
| * 6111aed - buffer_utils: Validate rgb_hex too | trie: Add exact param to longest_prefix (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
| * 43bfc7b - utils: Improve percent_or_hex function (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
| * e6c1315 - Fix https://github.com/NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua/issues/12 | Add support for tailwind colors (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* | 125e499 - tailwind: Use true for normal mode (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* | 1807b78 - buffer_utils: Validate rgb_hex too | trie: Add exact param to longest_prefix (5 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* | 34061b1 - utils: Improve percent_or_hex function (6 days ago) <Akianonymus>
* | 5f7680e - Fix https://github.com/NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua/issues/12 | Add support for tailwind colors (6 days ago) <Akianonymus>
| * 448f281 - Update URLs. (7 days ago) <Dan Sully>
* 84aa4ad - colorizer: Make sure it works without giving any config (9 days ago) <Akianonymus>

Feel free to close this if everything seems in order, this is just a friendly heads-up.

Thanks for maintaining this plugin!

I am not able to see any problem, all those commits are present in the master branch. No missing commits, atleast i haven't noticed.

I will disable force push ( if not already ) on main branch for future mishaps.

It looks like 448f281 got lost, but the contents were re-added in #17.

Ooh, makes sense, thank you for pointing it out.