
Sign type is not preserved

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When a Jungle sign is used to lock a barrel, the sign is always turned into an Oak sign. Breaking it drops the Oak sign. (Kedame server)

This shouldn't happen since putSignOn already tries to preserve the sign type. Weird.

Does not happen with Dark Oak.

Oh, this has to be related to #7.

This feature could be reproduced when using Spruce Signs. Then, I managed to bypass this feature by pre-editing signs with /nu se and then placing it while sneaking:
我用云杉木告示牌也复现了这个问题。然后我用预编辑牌子的命令/nu se,潜行时放置牌子,成功绕过:

/nu se sign 0 [Private]
/nu se sign 1 Your_Player_ID

But anyway, I would appreciate it if this feature could be issued, considering the complexity of bypassing it.