
Fix setup.py to install the required libraries on the os.

Nyumat opened this issue · 1 comments

Need setup.py to install required modules.

Modules for each folder are as follows:

Selenium Version

  • math
  • selenium + webdriver import
  • time + sleep import
  • common keys + Keys import
  • common action_chains + ActionChains import
  • pygame
  • webdriver support ui + select

Requests Version

  • import os
  • import random
  • import requests
  • import threading
  • time + strftime, gmtime, time, sleep
  • bs4 + BeautifulSoup


import os
from os import system

def installLibraries():
   print(f'Installing Libraries....')
   system('pip install requests')
   system('pip install threading)
   system('pip install bs4')
   system('pip install time')
   system('pip install math')
   system('pip install selenium')
   system('pip install Keys')
   system('pip install ActionsChains')
   system('pip install pygame')
print('\n'+'Required Libraries are now installed.')
system('pause >NUL')