
Submit ideas, writing, and publishing stories about the OpenAPI specification.

OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) Stories

This is a public repository for suggesting, creating, and evolving stories about the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). In an effort to engage more with the community we are moving this process onto Github, and using issues, discussions, and project to develop a regular wave of storytelling around the specification.

This repo is used to gather ideas and move forward stories that quite often will end up on the OAI blog, but can also be published or syndicated to other locations, helping extend the reach of the OAI, and educate more of the community about what the specification can do.

Current Blog Posts in the Queue

These are some of the blog posts that have been suggested and are in need of champions to help move each story forward.

Feel free to submit your idea for an OpenAPI story as a Github issue, or jump in on the project page for one already in motion.

Story Workflow

We are developing a workflow for pushing stories to a finish state. Not all stories will ultimately make it to a finished state, let alone the OAI blog, but we use this process to develop stories and evolve them for events like ASC, creation of videos, and other channels.

Ideas - The submission of a new idea for a story.

  • Topics - A topic to tell a story about.
  • People - Someone to tell the story.
  • Companies - Who a story involves.

Stories - Moving something from idea to story.

  • Interviews - Conduct interviews for story.
  • Notes - Compile and share notes for story.
  • Draft - Create a draft for a single story.

Structural - The time for making big changes.

  • Yes / No - Do we even do this story?
  • Big Changes - Shifting the entire structure.
  • Cultivate - Do more research and flesh out.
  • Creative - Do we need any images?

Editing - The process of refining a story for publishing

  • Changes - No more big changes to a story.
  • Copy Edits - Introducing edits to the story from the editor.
  • Creative - Add images, quotes, links, etc.

Go Live - Begin to move towards making live.

  • Internal Approval - Get internal approvals.
  • External Approval - Get other approvals.
  • Publish - Go live with a story on blog & social.
  • Social - Amplify using social media.

Get Involved

This is a community project within the OAI and we are looking for story idea submissions as well as folks in the following roles to help move stories forward:

  • Interviewers - People who can help interview providers, tooling makers, and other people putting OpenAPI to work.
  • Writers - People who can help actually take interviews or topics, do the research, and produce stories for publishing.
  • Editors **- People who can help copy edit stories that are submitted ny authors and help us produce high quality stories.

Feel free to jump in on one of the projects above, or submit a Github issue if you have any comments, questions, or feedback about stories. If you'd like to be added as a contributor please submit an issue stating how you'd like to help out and we can add you as a contributor to the repository.