yolov5 onnx model conversion
stevenwudi opened this issue · 3 comments
stevenwudi commented
I used the yolov5 official onnx model and try to convert it online.
"These 4op are not supported
Create graph failed"
is reported when doing the converting. Could you point out why is the reason?
BTW, thank you tengine team for this amazing project. I think the project has great potential for Amlogic NPU developers!
stevenwudi commented
I solve this problem:
When exporting yolov5 onnx, need to diasble z from Detect.
qinhj commented
I solve this problem:
When exporting yolov5 onnx, need to diasble z from Detect.
@stevenwudi Hi~ I met the same issue when converting the yolov3 onnx model to tmfile.
Can you share me the solution ? And what's the "diasble z from Detect"?
stevenwudi commented
@qinhj Hey, check this post. It will answer all our questions