
[V11] Account Asset Managment --First and Last Period Depreciation line is not calculated correctly - time 8 year, periode = month, liniear, prorate

Closed this issue · 1 comments

how to reproduce:
Set Fiscal Year FY-2020 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021
Create Aset View -->Machine Asset type = view
Create Asset Profile --> Machine Asset Profile ( Time method: No of years, No of years = 8, periode length = month)

Create asset :
time 8 year, periode = month, liniear, prorate
Aset Name : Test Aset 1
reference : test-001
Purchase value: 80.000.000
Salavage value : 0
Start Date : 1 Jan 2017
Computation method : liniear
prorate : True
Save Asset
--> go to depreciation tab then click compute


Depreciation base date = 1/1/2017 Amount = 80.000.000
first period deperciation = 31/Jan/2017 amount = 833,333.33
2nd until before last period amount =833,333.33
last period depreciation = 31/dec/2024 amount = 833,333.33 or a bit variant due to rounding and with remaining value 0.0

Current behavior:

Depreciation base date = 1/1/2017 Amount = 80.000.000
first period deperciation = 31/Jan/2017 amount = 792,349.73
2nd until before last period amount =833,333.33
last period depreciation = 31/dec/2024 amount = 814,316.97 with remaining value 0.0

Try to change the start date to 31/Jan/2017 --->even become worse

The error will cause old asset entry will differ with the opening balance at the entry date -->then need to correct it manually
when the number of the asset is big, it is not practical because the need to correct the 2 lines for every asset.

I close, the issue since it seems to be part of localization instead of bug. I overide 2 functions to suit local needs.