
Migration to version 16.0

sbidoul opened this issue · 30 comments



Modules to migrate

Missing module? Check https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/wiki/%5BFAQ%5D-Missing-modules-in-migration-issue-list

I will work on account_asset_management

account_balance_line not needed any more: #1476 (comment)

Is it a procedure to indicate it here an in OpenUpgrade?

Here it's strikethrough and indicated that is not needed. On OpenUpgrade the module can be indicated as merged in apriori file for smoother migration.

Why is account_fiscal_year and account_invoice_constraint_chronology not checked on the list?

It's not done automatically. See OCA/oca-github-bot#189 and OCA/oca-github-bot#192 and you can review for getting this feature.

thanks for the info @pedrobaeza

Hi @sbidoul

Im working in account_move_print #1481


I'm currently working on migrating account_move_line_tax_editable



I'm currently working on migrating account_chart_update



I'm currently working on migratin account_chart_update_l10n_eu_oss


I'm migrating account_group_menu #1563

I'm migrating base_vat_optional_vies #1572


I'm currently working on migrating account_asset_batch_compute.

PR: #1611

Module account_move_line_menu seems not necessary anymore, since the menuitem for Journal Entries is now accessible to group group_account_readonly in Odoo 16 (after commit odoo/odoo@f554176)

account_move_line_purchase_info #1616 and account_move_line_sale_info #1617

Module account_move_force_removal seems not necessary anymore for V16. The module was basically just bypassing the check made in method _unlink_forbid_parts_of_chain() that was ensuring that the sequence number was the last element of a chain of sequence. In V16 that method was removed, see odoo/odoo@6112f4f

Module account_move_force_removal seems not necessary anymore for V16. The module was basically just bypassing the check made in method _unlink_forbid_parts_of_chain() that was ensuring that the sequence number was the last element of a chain of sequence. In V16 that method was removed, see odoo/odoo@6112f4f

Handled in OCA/OpenUpgrade#3802

Migration account_move_budget #1658


Currently working on account_asset_number: #1687

I'm missing account_fiscal_month, account_move_fiscal_month and account_move_fiscal_year

I'm working on them:
account_fiscal_month: #1708
account_move_fiscal_month #1709
account_move_fiscal_year #1710

Migrating account_lock_to_date in #1732

Hi guys,

Anyone working on migrating product_category_tax?

@FreezeS product_category_tax V16 is here: #1618
But we don't need this module anymore, so I will be happy if you or someone else will take over this PR..

account_sequence_option #1775

mig #1776 account_move_force_removal

@astirpe why don't we need product_category_tax, has the functionality been implemented somewhere else? I see that #1618 has been closed.

@FreezeS we don't need product_category_tax for our projects anymore, maybe you or someone else can take over...


I'm currently working on migrating account_check_deposit #1907