
account_chart_update: mass update on several companies

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The wizard "only" allows to edit in one company at a time. Well, it remains a great tool, but in case of minor changes, in case of dozens of companies, it's quicker to use an import file.

Is there a way to update at once in several companies using the same chart template?

Do you see an issue in doing so?

Thank you!

Hi, Frédéric! I'm afraid the tool is not thought for that mass-update.

It's easy to pipe through a shell script for doing in mass though, but not having decision power between them:

for company in env["res.company"].search([]):
    print(f"Company {company.name} ({company.id})")
    wizard = env["wizard.update.charts.accounts"].with_company(company).create({"company_id": company.id, "chart_template_id": company.chart_template_id.id, "continue_on_errors": True, "recreate_xml_ids": True})

Thank you @pedrobaeza !

btw any recommendation on how to set it up? Is it not safer to configure custom charts (with new accounts, taxes) rather than editing existing ones? In order to keep a fully standard setup in the system, in case. @

There's not too much problem in creating new accounts, but new taxes should be more controlled, specially in Spain, as the localization modules don't use taxes grids (it's a conscious decision by several reasons (you can see them here - in Spanish -: https://youtu.be/bmXozh08xbM?t=740)