Enter Valid URL
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I installed a local enviromnent for OdooV8 and also a local wordpress on my Ubuntu 14.3LTS.
After installed the module , I tried to configure the connector > backend:
url: localhost/dev/ (path for my local wordpress)
Consumer Key: *****
Consumer Secret : ****
(Key that I generated by woocommerce api for wordpress)
When I want to check the connection
Then Odoo raise an wizard message : Enter Valid Url
And there is no appropriates traceback on my console, only:
INFO woo urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
I try to :
- Connect with online wordpress
I read the documentation but i'm not able to identify the problem.
Do you have any idea?
Maybe I forget a specific setting or something like that...
Best regards
me too me the same thing happens. I have installed WordPress and Odoo v8 on the same server. But when I connect to another wordpress on another server, if connected.
If you know the solution, you let me know please.
I got the same problem.
I found out it had something to do with WooCommerce web server configuration.
With the following steps,I get it solved.
- enable the Woo's apache's mod_rewrite module.
- enable the permalink function.
details can be found here.
Hi nanjifeng,
How activate pemalinks?
when active in Common Settings = Post Name; and in Products Permanlinks = Shop Base. then output error in page web.
I have activated the mod_rewrite
Your configuation works fines on my WooCommerce.
What does it say if you visit this url:
You can try it to see whether your configuration works fines.
Thank you.
solve it by following your two steps:
1. activating the mod_rewite:
apachectl -M
a2enmod rewrite.load
service apache2 restart
2. activating the permalinks in Woo:
a2ensite fichero.conf
nano fichero.conf
Add the following to the end of the file, before the </VirtualHost>:
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride All
3.restart apache:
service apache2 restart
4. activate the permalinks in the site1 as indicated https://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-rest-api/
Common Settings = Post Name; and in Products Permanlinks = Shop Base
Best Regards.
Hello. I try to use connector_woocommerce but it is imposible.
I use github versión of connector module and many versión of wp and woo since 4.1 to 5.x and 2.4.8 to 3.X and always show "Enter Valid url".
In log show DEBUG PruebasJavi urllib3.connectionpool: http://www.xxxx.com:80 "GET /shop/wp-json/v2/products?oauth_consumer_key=ck_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&oauth_timestamp=1592843119&oauth_nonce=xxxxxxxxxxx&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA256&oauth_signature=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1" 404 2678 when i click on "Check Connection" on Backend
I check mod_rewrite and permalinks and it is right.
I don't konw where could be the error. Can help anyone?