
Order Response, order_line match

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi @lmignon

I have a question about to match order lines between order and order response

line_number arg is an incremental number from 1 to the number of lines

Here in test you assign to ID tag of your LineItem the db id of your purchase.order.line

... and here you check that ID tag is the same than order_line[i].id

I think it's a good idea to match these order with database id but that's not what do the line_number in purchase_order_ubl/models/purchase.py#L158

Maybe I missed something ?

I don't know how it really works in your workflow (maybe custom code ?) but I have to make it ok in my case #226

I don't want make update your code but just want to know if your're ok my proposal to be implemented on v8 and upper than v10:

Don't use ID tag to store purchase.order.line id fields but choose a tag among these http://www.datypic.com/sc/ubl22/e-cac_LineItem.html : candidates are LineReference or SalesOrderID

I also try to use another but it seems it was a bad idea.

I have to choose a more adhoc one. Could you help me here. Thanks

Hi @bealdav

Indeed, something is missing into the code of purchase_order_ubl.
In my code I've overridden the method _ubl_add_order_line to always use the db line id as value for ID tag

    def _ubl_add_order_line(self, parent_node, oline, line_number, ns, version="2.1"):
        Overrides to use the po line id as identifier
        return super(PurchaseOrder, self)._ubl_add_order_line(
            parent_node, oline, oline.id, ns, version=version

According to the specification, the ID tag is the identifier for this line item, assigned by the buyer. That's therefore the tag to use to provide a reliable and immutable ID for our line. IMO, the initial implementation is not right since it depends of the order of the lines into the PO. Nothing ensures that this id always reference the same line into the PO. IMO, we should change the code into https://github.com/OCA/edi/blob/10.0/purchase_order_ubl/models/purchase.py#L158

Hi @lmignon thanks for your feedback.
Ok probably we firstly have to change in v13.0 to avoid a falsy duplicate in 14.0

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