
account_invoice_facturx: Invoice generated are not valid facturx

Auneor opened this issue · 0 comments

Auneor commented

module: account_invoice_facturx
version: 16.0

Steps to reproduce

  • create a new database with french localization, located in france, install module account_invoice_facturx
  • create an invoice with a partner located in france, without taxes on invoice lines
  • upload the generated pdf to https://services.fnfe-mpe.org/

Current behavior

14 errors
Valid XMP
XML valid against XSD
XML invalid against Schematron
Invalid PDF/A-3
Profile EN 16931 (Comfort)

Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause test 2
PDF/A-3 error
DeviceRGB shall only be used if a device independent DefaultRGB colour space has been set when the DeviceRGB colour space is used, or if the file has a PDF/A OutputIntent that contains an RGB destination profile.
Level: CosDocument
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[979]/fillCS[0]
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[431]/colorSpace[0]
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[811]/fillCS[0]
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[460]/colorSpace[0]
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[1015]/fillCS[0]
Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause test 1
PDF/A-3 error
For every font embedded in a conforming file and used for rendering, the glyph width information in the font dictionary and in the embedded font program shall be consistent.
Level: CosDocument
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[437]/usedGlyphs[0](Lato-Bold 21 0 0)
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[775]/usedGlyphs[0](Lato-Medium 32 0 0)
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[351]/usedGlyphs[0](Lato-Bold 12 0 0)
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[843]/usedGlyphs[0](Lato-Medium 14 0 0)
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)/contentStream[0](4 0 obj PDContentStream)/operators[487]/usedGlyphs[0](Lato-Bold 18 0 0)
Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause 6.1.2 test 2
PDF/A-3 error
The aforementioned EOL marker shall be immediately followed by a % (25h) character followed by at least four bytes, each of whose encoded byte values shall have a decimal value greater than 127
Level: CosDocument
Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause 6.8 test 4
PDF/A-3 error
The additional information provided for associated files as well as the usage requirements for associated files indicate the relationship between the embedded file and the PDF document or the part of the PDF document with which it is associated.
Level: CosDocument
root/indirectObjects[3](25 0)/directObject[0]
Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause 6.2.10 test 2
PDF/A-3 error
If the document does not contain a PDF/A OutputIntent, then all Page objects that contain transparency shall include the Group key, and the attribute dictionary that forms the value of that Group key shall include a CS entry whose value shall be used as the default blending colour space.
Level: CosDocument
root/document[0]/pages[0](3 0 obj PDPage)
Spec. ISO_19005_3 clause 6.1.3 test 1
PDF/A-3 error
The file trailer dictionary shall contain the ID keyword whose value shall be File Identifiers as defined in ISO 32000-1:2008, 14.4
Level: CosDocument
XML Schematron error
[BR-CO-15]-Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) + Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110).
Location of the error: /:CrossIndustryInvoice[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100'][1]
XML Schematron error
[BR-E-02]-An Invoice that contains an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is "Exempt from VAT" shall contain the Seller VAT Identifier (BT-31), the Seller tax registration identifier (BT-32) and/or the Seller tax representative VAT identifier (BT-63).
Location of the error: /
XML Schematron error
[BR-E-05]-In an Invoice line (BG-25) where the Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151) is "Exempt from VAT", the Invoiced item VAT rate (BT-152) shall be 0 (zero).
Location of the error: /:CrossIndustryInvoice[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100'][1]/:SupplyChainTradeTransaction[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100'][1]/:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]/:SpecifiedLineTradeSettlement[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]/:ApplicableTradeTax[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]
XML Schematron error
[BR-CO-26]-In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31) shall be present.
Location of the error: /
XML Schematron error
[BR-48]-Each VAT breakdown (BG-23) shall have a VAT category rate (BT-119), except if the Invoice is not subject to VAT.
Location of the error: /
XML Schematron error
[BR-E-08]-In a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is "Exempt from VAT" the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) minus the sum of Document level allowance amounts (BT-92) plus the sum of Document level charge amounts (BT-99) where the VAT category codes (BT-151, BT-95, BT-102) are "Exempt from VAT".
Location of the error: /
XML Schematron error
[BR-E-10]-A VAT Breakdown (BG-23) with VAT Category code (BT-118) "Exempt from VAT" shall have a VAT exemption reason code (BT-121) or a VAT exemption reason text (BT-120).
Location of the error: /:CrossIndustryInvoice[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100'][1]/:SupplyChainTradeTransaction[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100'][1]/:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]/:ApplicableTradeTax[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]/:CategoryCode[namespace-uri()='urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100'][1]
XML Schematron error
[BR-CO-13]-Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = Σ Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of charges on document level (BT-108).
Location of the error: /

Expected behavior

No error in validator