V16 branch looks broken.
Opened this issue · 9 comments
Indeed, it seems related to: pos_customer_comment
2024-01-03 10:39:23,225 339 ERROR odoo odoo.addons.pos_customer_comment.tests.test_module: FAIL: TestUi.test_pos_customer_comment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/__w/pos/pos/pos_customer_comment/tests/test_module.py", line 17, in test_pos_customer_comment
File "/opt/odoo/odoo/tests/common.py", line 1789, in start_tour
return self.browser_js(url_path=url_path, code=code, ready=ready, **kwargs)
File "/opt/odoo/odoo/tests/common.py", line 1769, in browser_js
self.fail('%s\n\n%s' % (message, error))
AssertionError: The test code "odoo.startTour('PosCustomerCommentTour')" failed
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'name')
at Chrome.template (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:90:147)
at node.renderFn (
at Fiber._render (
at Fiber.render (
at ComponentNode.render (
and perhaps also pos_order_to_sale_order
2024-01-03 10:39:46,438 339 ERROR odoo odoo.addons.pos_order_to_sale_order.tests.test_module: FAIL: TestUi.test_pos_order_to_sale_order
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/__w/pos/pos/pos_order_to_sale_order/tests/test_module.py", line 36, in test_pos_order_to_sale_order
self.assertEqual(len(before_orders) + 1, len(after_orders))
AssertionError: 1 != 0
Indeed, it seems related to: pos_customer_comment
Indeed. however, in both cases (pos_customer_comment and pos_order_to_sale_order), it is related to another module, that make the test failing.
(I tested to install pos_customer_comment without other OCA modules, and the test are OK).
didn't more investigated though.
Hi @ivantodorovich. I need help on that topic. Investigation done :
- unit Test
- install locally pos_customer_comment in a database A and pos_order_to_sale_order in database B.
- run test.
- all are green.
- Run the following command. Tried to reproduce error on github :
(initialize Test DB)
run_odoo_16 -d test_bug -i account_financial_risk,base_automation,delivery,membership,partner_contact_birthdate,partner_firstname,point_of_sale,pos_discount,pos_loyalty,pos_sale,product_multi_barcode,product_packaging_multi_barcode,sale,sale_financial_risk,stock_available --stop-after-init
(Run test)
run_odoo_16 -d test_bug -i pos_access_right,pos_customer_comment,pos_default_partner,pos_discount_all,pos_edit_order_line,pos_escpos_status,pos_financial_risk,pos_global_discount_in_line,pos_lot_barcode,pos_lot_selection,pos_loyalty_redeem_payment,pos_margin,pos_membership,pos_minimize_menu,pos_order_remove_line,pos_order_reorder,pos_order_to_sale_order,pos_order_to_sale_order_delivery,pos_order_to_sale_order_report,pos_order_to_sale_order_sale_financial_risk,pos_partner_birthdate,pos_partner_firstname,pos_payment_change,pos_payment_terminal,pos_product_display_default_code,pos_product_label,pos_product_multi_barcode,pos_product_packaging_multi_barcode,pos_product_quick_info,pos_receipt_hide_price,pos_reset_search,pos_sale_order_print,pos_stock_available_online --test-enable --stop-after-init
All is green. How to move forward ?
Indeed, I've just checked on my side and I also green lights
I've just triggered a re-run of the failed job: https://github.com/OCA/pos/actions/runs/7396233081/job/20495822404 and it seems to be green now.
It's also weird that, at the time, only the upstream odoo tests failed, whilst the OCA/OCB passed successfully.
It all seems to indicate it was either a temporary upstream bug that got fix, or a non-deterministic and difficult to reproduce bug in our project
My suggestion: let's close this for now and see if the issue comes back in the future
thanks for the investigation.
new PR failing : #1131
both tests are red : https://github.com/OCA/pos/actions/runs/7562994110
@OCA/pos-maintainers : Did you already faced such issue ?
That's quite annoying.
In fact, before the main error, there is another error "Error received after termination: OwlError: Missing template: "Chrome" (for component "Chrome")".
Main error
2024-01-17 23:22:34,327 341 ERROR odoo odoo.addons.pos_customer_comment.tests.test_module: FAIL: TestUi.test_pos_customer_comment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/__w/pos/pos/pos_customer_comment/tests/test_module.py", line 17, in test_pos_customer_comment
File "/opt/odoo/odoo/tests/common.py", line 1789, in start_tour
return self.browser_js(url_path=url_path, code=code, ready=ready, **kwargs)
File "/opt/odoo/odoo/tests/common.py", line 1769, in browser_js
self.fail('%s\n\n%s' % (message, error))
AssertionError: The test code "odoo.startTour('PosCustomerCommentTour')" failed
UncaughtError: Service pos_discount_all.models already defined
at odoo.define (
at odoo.define (
at (
Previous Error :
2024-01-17 23:22:33,524 341 ERROR odoo odoo.addons.pos_customer_comment.tests.test_module.TestUi.browser: Error received after termination: OwlError: Missing template: "Chrome" (for component "Chrome")
at owl.App.getTemplate (
at new ComponentNode (
at ChromeAdapter.template (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:9:27)
at Fiber._render (
at Fiber.render (
at ComponentNode.initiateRender (
2024-01-17 23:22:33,525 341 ERROR odoo odoo.addons.pos_customer_comment.tests.test_module.TestUi.browser: Error received after termination: OwlError: Missing template: "Chrome" (for component "Chrome")
at owl.App.getTemplate (
at new ComponentNode (
at ChromeAdapter.template (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:9:27)
at Fiber._render (
at Fiber.render (
at ComponentNode.initiateRender (
I'm puzzled, too :(
I'll try to allocate some time to investigate soon
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