
Migration to version 15.0

OCA-git-bot opened this issue · 12 comments



Modules to migrate

Missing module? Check https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/wiki/%5BFAQ%5D-Missing-modules-in-migration-issue-list

Migrating auth_saml in #337

migrating password_security #341

Migrated auth_session_timeout #347

@sbidoul Could you please pin this issue? Thanks

auth_saml seems available though it's not marked as such here. Is there plans for users_ldap_populate too?

Migrated auth_admin_passkey #362

Herqs commented

Migrated auth_user_case_insensitive #361

Migrated base_user_show_email #371
This module is not listed in this Issue because was not migrated to 14.0

auth_saml is working with 15.0, according to this issue here: #357

auth_saml is working with 15.0, according to this issue here: #357

Hi @BloodMotion, will you share what you do besides migrated to 15.0 ? Because mine still error exactly like yours before.

Migrated users_ldap_groups #454