[12.0] website_form_builder: Failing due to upstream changes
Closed this issue · 15 comments
This seems something of your deployment, as it's working properly on runbot. Please follow the "Try me on runbot" button on the README for trying.
I created an installation from scratch, only with this module and crm and even then this error occurs.
Note: My version of Odoo is updated.
The console is reporting that the data drop is missing, do you have any idea about that?
I'm afraid not. Please try on runbot if you can reproduce the same problem.
But are you talking about a module in this repository?
Odoo's own module, a change that modified the data-drop. It seems to me a very coincidence that the problem is occurring in exactly that.
But then you should put the issue in odoo/odoo, not here.
Or is the change in Odoo affecting a module of this repository?
I'm trying to help, as an Odoo change may have modified a module for you, but it seems to me that you are not understanding.
No, I don't understand as you are not saying which module in this repository is affected. Are you talking about website_form_builder?
Yes, because it creates a snippet in the web editor, and it is there that the problem is occurring that does not stop dragging and dropping to the form, even with everything configured.
One question ... did the images I attached appear?
OK, now it seems more clear. Yes, images appear, but I'm not an expert of each OCA module, just an issue handler.
got it, thanks Pedro.
I'm using this module and it seems to be very cool, but I came across this problem.
Refing to Odoo, I looked in the list of updates for something related to this to try to help identify the problem, because some changes they make can occur to affect extra modules.
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