
HREF conversion broken by something about this particular configuration

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The source text reads:

<a href="http://www.fsnau.org/downloads/Total%20Population%20in%20AFLC%2C%20HE%20and%20Famine%20in%20Somalia.pdf">Total population in Acute Food and Livelihood Crisis, Humanitarian Emergency and Famine in Somalia <span class="ext">along with baseline population </span>by region [FSNAU] (PDF, 49KB)</a>

The markdwon expects the label for the link to be enclosed by square brackets but [FSNAU] inside the label breaks that.

Any suggestions?

I can replace square brackets with parentheses inside the label text.

Yes. I've checked the full dataset list and square brackets occur 18 times. I didn't see anywhere that it would be problematic to change them to parentheses and several places where it will be problematic if we don't.

I will change it then.