
CODAB improvements

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Reviewing the new CODAB PR, it go me thinking about an easier potential system for them. Looking through a set of random CODABs, it appears that every one has a file with adm1, adm2, etc. in them. We already download all of the files within the HDX resource, so was wondering, could we not just string search the files during load for adm{level} and just load that, and if not available, generate warning about the admin level or error if no files present (so need to download).

Users can then use the custom name for the strange boundaries like in Nepal, but for other countries we don't have to do it if the names are slightly off and we don't need to change our config if names change. Basically, just providing an ISO3 should work automatically! What do people think?

Hey Seth, this sounds good, but can you give the example countries you found for where this would work? At the moment I've tried to generalize the process as much as possible, but in general find that the filenames and base layer name are different for each country, which is what is currently kept in the config file.