
Develop pipeline for processing ARC2 data

hannahker opened this issue · 1 comments

For monitoring the observational dry spell trigger in Malawi during Jan/Feb 2022, we need to put in place a pipeline that roughly:

  • Pulls the latest ARC2 data
  • Calculates the daily mean precipitation by admin 2 regions
  • Determines if the cumulative mean precipitation value from the last 14 days is <=2mm
  • Sends an alert in case the above condition is met and we can say that a dry spell has occurred

We should probably make the timing of this a bit more sophisticated so that we don't have to monitor every day. So for example, maybe daily monitoring is only activated when the previous 7-10 days have <=2mm cumulative rain.

This notebook contains code to do much of this already that could be refactored.

Thinking along these lines for the overall procedure:

MWI Dry Spell Monitoring