
Allow the user to change the updateInterval.

KonradChlupka opened this issue · 3 comments

I rarely change the screen brightness, so it makes little sense for the app to keep polling the brightness, which results in relatively high energy usage. It would be great to be able to change this frequency, as I'd be perfectly happy with the sync taking a second or two. Even allowing this to be changed from the terminal with defaults write would be great for now.

Yeah, makes sense.

Personally, I'm not sure the energy savings are worth it (like it says in the readme, it won't run on battery anyway), because it's untested and there might be some timing issues. Ideally it shouldn't matter, but because CoreDisplay can be weird at times the app does rely on some timing unfortunately. I can't see at first glance how changing the interval would break anything though, but you'll never know.

I'll make it a user default like you said and you can decide for yourself.

You can try it in v2.2.0-beta.3.
For the record:
$ defaults write dev.vandijk.Brightness-Sync BSUpdateInterval 0.5
(for a 0.5 second interval)

You'll need to restart the app for the change to take effect.

@OCJvanDijk this is great. I’ve been building my own version just to update this. Thanks!