Synchronize the brightness of your built-in display with your LG UltraFine display(s)
- sebastian-ruizGöttingen, Germany
- johnxieNew York → San Francisco
- L-AQuébec
- BalassaSamuelson
- robrecord
- paladi
- tannerpowell
- LouisCADFrance
- notbrainHonolulu
- DigitaLunacy
- rickwNew York City
- jiansongShanghai, China
- briantoppingChicago Illinois US
- KonradChlupkaLondon, UK
- kunwarsahni01New York NY
- KimKyungupSeoul, South Korea
- cipang
- Imran99Earth
- feiyuzhuWaterloo, ON, Canada
- objcguy
- paulsri
- jeanregisser
- zainahm3dBoston
- cwaelandNew York
- ericdfieldsBaltimore, USA
- angristanParis
- smorimotoCambridge, UK / Tokyo, Japan
- marckrenn
- esnekoLatvia
- mikzPrague, Czech Republic
- cbownsWest Coast (keyboard and/or trailhead)
- basnijholtSeattle, USA
- iMicknlAmsterdam, Netherlands
- mrackwitzRemote | Berlin, Germany
- dstieberBakersfield, CA
- ufo22940268