
Next open WG meeting: Thursday 11 August, 2022: 0800 UTC + 1700 UTC

sanjayankur31 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi @OCNS/software-wg the next meeting is on 11th of August.

Please note that there will be two meetings, one at 0800 UTC and another at 1700 UTC and you can attend whichever one suits you best. (You do NOT have to attend both!). Please see #66 for a discussion on this.

The meeting will be on Jitsi again. Here's the link:


Meeting minutes from last month's meeting are here:


Please comment on this ticket:

  • to note any items you'd like to discuss
  • to note which meeting session you are likely to attend (so we have some idea of numbers)
  • if you are unable to attend either slot

Agenda items:

  • tasks from last meeting
  • upcoming INCF assembly tasks (and help required!)
  • bernstein conference related discussion
  • satellite tutorial follow ups
  • pending tasks/issue follow ups
  • plans for more dev sessions/software highlights/tutorials

Hi @OCNS/software-wg

Reminder for the 0800 UTC meeting, which will start in about an hour and a half.

The meeting will be on Jitsi again. Here's the link:


I've started the meeting folks, please join whenever convenient

I am travelling for work and won't be able to join either of the sessions today. Will follow the minutes of the meeting later.

Sounds good.

We had a great 0800 meeting with all new faces (apart from me!). The minutes document is here:


ErbB4 commented

Hi @OCNS/software-wg

Reminder for the 1700 UTC meeting, which will start in ~ 10 minutes

The meeting will be on Jitsi again. Here's the link:


Thanks for attending the meeting everyone, it was great to chat with you all.

Please do go over the minutes folks and add more information/notes there. I'll publish them on our website at the end of next week on Friday Aug 19.