
"make all" creates "fatal error" with "submodule 'ocrd_fileformat'" (but goes on...)

stefanCCS opened this issue · 2 comments

I just have tried to setup a new ocrd_all using Release 2023-06-14 (maybe plus some additional changes as of today).
I do a native setup on non-GPU environment (Ubuntu 22.04. using Python 3.8 via "deadsnakes").

With make all I get this error, but the make itself runs further until end successfully:

Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat/vendor/page-to-alto/repo/page-alto-resources'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat/vendor/xsd-validator'
if git submodule status --recursive ocrd_fileformat | grep -qv '^ '; then \
        sem -q --will-cite --fg --id ocrd_all_git git submodule update --init --recursive  ocrd_fileformat && \
        touch ocrd_fileformat; fi
fatal: failed to recurse into submodule 'ocrd_fileformat'
Submodule path 'ocrd_fileformat': checked out '4e7e0de68e2a0dcd9b238f64d1657beda0d74da7'
Submodule path 'ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat': checked out 'f550411669a7c807800d2e9f5649e10871c7f172'
Submodule path 'ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat/vendor/textract2page': checked out '0a1f2b78760237e4fba3298b873fc33c905929b1'
Submodule 'vendor/textract2page' (https://github.com/slub/textract2page.git) registered for path 'ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat/vendor/textract2page'
Cloning into '/home/ocrdadmin/ocrd_all/ocrd_fileformat/repo/ocr-fileformat/vendor/textract2page'...
sem -q --will-cite --fg --id ocrd_all_git git submodule sync  ocrd_im6convert

--> is this "fatal" error "harmful" ?

Yes, I have seen this as well. I am also puzzled why despite the fatal qualifier, it does go on to update recursively.

I don't see this in any of my builds from the last two years. Strange.

Please try running git submodule status --recursive ocrd_fileformat and git submodule update --init --recursive ocrd_fileformat manually. Which of both commands fails?