
Quiver timeline - add sorting

MareenGeestmann opened this issue · 6 comments

Add sorting

  • by each metric (up/down)
  • by gt label (a-z)
  • by year (newest/oldest)

Regarding filtering by year: each gt has a notBefore and a notAfter year. Currently the order will be the same weather we sort by notBefore or notAfter but this could theoretically change in the future. Should one of these attributes get priority?
Some (theoretical) example gts:

  • 1800-1900 vs. 1832-1864
  • 1800-1950 vs. 1801-1850
  • 1800-1900 vs. 1800-1850

-> which one should be considered "older"?
I would say the one with the oldest notBefore and if they are the same then the oldest notAfter.
By this definition the examples would be:

  • 1st older
  • 1st older
  • 2nd older

But some people might consider the 2nd one of the second example to be older.
What do you think @MareenGeestmann ?

Thank you for the explanation!
I agree with you. -> the one with the oldest notBefore and if they are the same then the oldest notAfter.

Should only the average of the latest runs be used for filtering by metric or the average of all runs? I assume only the latest runs but want to be sure.

Yes, only the latest run. And consider only the average (this might noch be optimal, but for this view fine enough; there is still the table view for more specific sorting [coming soon]).

Okay, thanks!

I think ideally the sorting should only consider the average of all filtered workflows, but for this to be consistend with the average timeline chart the average timeline chart should also only consider the filtered workflows. So this switch might be better as a seperate task.

For now I will implement it to consider the average of the latest runs of all workflows.

This is almost ready for pull request, i just need to wait for #81 to be merged so i can use these changes.