- 1
Old agent missing in debian repo
#399 opened by haidars - 7
agent fails on macos 15 sequoia
#484 opened by gnafou - 0
Invalid XML: not well-formed (invalid token)
#482 opened by meganie - 4
Agent not reporting Debian OS minor release, but only on proxmox servers (pve/pbs)
#478 opened by itiser - 2
Agent 2.9.0 not reporting OS minor release on Debian
#382 opened by G-N-ius - 2
[Feature Request] Support log file rotation
#471 opened by iamazeem - 2
- 1
OCS agent can't contact server through proxy - 501 Protocol scheme 'connect' is not supported
#459 opened by mcondamin - 5
The macOS agent fails to start after installation
#461 opened by 6lvckmania - 1
Installation link dead
#468 opened by nerdoc - 0
Proxmox - VM Duplication
#467 opened by soupyframe - 3
ListUtil.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xc400080, needed 0xf880080)
#460 opened by GillesRonsin - 3
BUG - a huge time for snmp scan
#452 opened by bud4 - 0
Invalid entry length (0). DMI table is broken! Stop. on PfSense 2.6 FreeBSD 12.3
#456 opened by caussatjerome - 1
FreeBSD 13.2 with ocsinventory-agent-2.10.0,1 warning and missing hw. serialno
#449 opened by carlos-paniago - 0
User and password arguments breaking change
#453 opened by AlroneRhyn - 6
GPG Public Key Expired
#447 opened by eguaj - 1
OCS pour Mac OS Ventura 13.2.1
#443 opened by Donaldt23 - 2
MacOS wrong Arch type on all machines
#444 opened by PeLbmaN - 6
MacOs Arch is wrong
#436 opened by sbrother59 - 3
- 3
Setup TAG with Unix Agent
#433 opened by tovoro - 2
- 3
- 2
- 6
Solaris 11 Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.9.1
#402 opened by argj - 2
Unix Agent 2.8.0 | --Proxy gives error
#377 opened by GuilhermeKG - 2
- 1
RedHat 9 Repository is empty
#437 opened by thfiliol1 - 0
v2.9.3 not working on macOS when using a proxy
#412 opened by fpotier - 3
MacOS Agent 2.10.0 No memory information
#432 opened by Seazonx - 4
error sh MacOS Agent
#429 opened by PeLbmaN - 2
Quelles version de l'agent prendre pour OSX?
#430 opened by thenamelessthing - 2
[error] Cannot establish communication : 500 Internal Server Error - ONLY FOR UNIX AGENT ON DEBIAN #410
#425 opened by c3ph3us - 1
Virtual Box Script Returns VMs for the Root User
#384 opened by hamzashariq7 - 1
Solaris - Problem in when set swap var.
#423 opened by iamabrantes - 0
`ocsinventory-agent` stuck in a loop with 100% CPU usage when using `--delaytime` option on command-line
#426 opened by eguaj - 1
- 2
I have an issue with OCSAgent and OCSServer
#389 opened by johnsaenz83 - 4
- 4
Public Key expired
#415 opened by timcanty - 1
Malformed XML On Mac OS X 12.3.1
#407 opened by oraki23 - 1
SNMP XML parse error
#381 opened by bgoales - 5
Cannot Submit XML
#401 opened by tcapacci - 3
[MacOs X - Agent 2.9.0] Invalid XML
#395 opened by aramilialon - 1
#400 opened by ffranacosta - 1
- 1
How to build UnixAgent 2.9.0 for MacOs
#380 opened by hans0801 - 3
unix ocs inventory agent not connect to server
#387 opened by yanfeng1 - 1
Ubuntu 21.10 being reported as Ubuntu 11.0
#375 opened by brizao