
Add a setting page to fill all legal informations

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Firstly, thanks for this awesome plugin that make our life far more easier when dealing with GDPR.

However, I have a small suggestion to make it even better. Since GDPR, our websites always have 2 different pages :

  • One about legal information (who is responsible of the content, what is the society behind the website etc...)
  • One about data privacy (cookie explaination, legal right of the visitor etc...)

In these 2 pages, there a some legal informations (society name, status, address, website url, informations about society CEO etc...). Actually, my base theme contain that 2 pages with some tokens like {SOCIETY}, {CEO_NAME} and I do a search and replace for each token to put the true values.

The next step to this would be to have a setting page to fill a required data, and then, a component to put on the page to automatically replace tokens with the corresponding value.

I could create a PR when I will have some time to add this, but I would like to know, before developping the solution, if you would be ok to merge it with your project, as I think that the GDPR module is the best place to handle that.



That sounds great! Just make sure that it's easy to integrate custom page content via component partials.

Hello, everyone,

I systematically include 3 pages in all my sites: "legal notices", "cookie policies" and "cookie management".

Until now I used the configuration properties of the theme and typical's pages displaying the information.
It's true that the solution is not the most beautiful.

As much as I understand the link with cookies and the RGPD, but for the "legal notices" I am more doubtful.

Despite off that it may authorize even more automation of the website building process and borrng tasks, so for that ... it could be an interesting feature!