
rotate default view of wind arrow symbols

Opened this issue · 9 comments

When symbolizing the compound value of wind speed and wind direction, to choose which wind arrow symbol to be used, we use the following approach:

  • map wind speed value to the appropriate wind arrow icon
  • set angle / rotation of symbol based on wind direction (0-360 degrees)
  • display

In our case we use MapServer and have data driven symbol selection based on our observed properties of wind speed / wind direction.

The wind arrow type symbols, by default, have an orientation which needs to be rotated if used as part of automated systems per above. As a result, part of our automated build process has to rotate the symbols accordingly (i.e. rotate all 'north' images 90 degrees CW, rotate all 'south' 90 degrees CCW).

Should we have these rotated to 0 degrees in the codebase by default?

The list of wind arrow symbols can be found with find . -type f -name "*.svg"|grep -i arrow or find . -type f -name "*.svg"|grep -i wind

@chris-little: there may be reasons for having the wind arrow images oriented this way by default, in which case feel free to mark this invalid. Else we can rotate them as default orientation.

The main advantage to the symbol library will be it's use in automated applications and this will simplify automation. I'd suggest going ahead unless @chris-little has any objections?

Bump. @chris-little comments/objections?

@chris-little @iedwards the question is how do we rotate the actual SVG files? This affects 301 SVG files.

Here is what we do in our build steps against the PNGs:

 echo "Converting all symbols to PNG"
./scripts/wws_manage.sh png

echo "Rotating missing wind arrows image 90 degrees CCW"
convert ./png/WeatherSymbol_WMO_WindArrowMissing_99.png -rotate -90 ./png/WeatherSymbol_WMO_WindArrowMissing_99.png

echo "Rotating north wind arrows images 90 degrees CW"
for sym in `find ./png -type f -name "WeatherSymbol_WMO_WindArrowNH*.png"`
    convert ${sym} -rotate 90 ${sym}

echo "Rotating south wind arrows images 90 degrees CCW"
for sym in `find ./png -type f -name "WeatherSymbol_WMO_WindArrowSH*.png"`
    convert ${sym} -rotate -90 ${sym}

@tomkralidis, @chris-little - I believe we're happy for the source SVG symbols to be rotated.

As for how... our immediate answer would have to be to that we'd manually rotate them in inkscape. Are there any SVG libraries out there that could automate the process (or perhaps Inscape has a batch processing mode)?

@tomkralidis - did all of the symbols get rotated to 0 degrees in the end?

@isedwards this is not done yet. Any suggestions/help would be great here.

@tomkralidis @isedwards visting here after a lonnnng time! No objections to rotating so arrows (not just wind) all aligned to 0 degrees. I would probably prefer to do it next version (0.8), rather than postpone to V1.0

The thinking for making this version 1.x is that it is a breaking change (it could cause some apps to display symbols the wrong way round).

Unless 1.x is reserved for the first stable release? In which case buyer beware.

It's okay to quickly get to high version numbers.


@tomkralidis When there is a version with vectors rotated to be wrt North/South (portraint mode) rather than East/West (landscape mode), we could make it the normative V1.0, or V2.0, etc, as moving from V0.x to V1.x is theoretically a breaking change!