
iThink Logistics - compliance check

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Delivered Flow

instancePath: '/on_confirm/message/order/fulfillments/0/type',
message: { allowedValue: 'Prepaid' } - Must match value in /confirm.


instancePath: '/update/message/order/fulfillments/0/end/instructions',
message: "must have required property 'additional_desc'"
instancePath: '/update/message/order/fulfillments/',
message: 'Fulfillment object should include start and end instructions if ready_to_ship is Yes'

** Same issues in Cancellation FLow**


We have completed the instructions as mentioned above in our code and tested with Viranc Infotech and raised the below-mentioned PR with a new log. #306

Delivered Flow

  • Timestamp difference between /action and /on_action api should be less than 1 sec


  • Item TAT timestamp (/items/time/timestamp) for 'Next Day Delivery' should be for the next day (date) (context.timestamp plus item level TAT should not exceed the next day)
  • the approx distance between start and end location is 4km and the shipment is P2H2P, is this intentional? (otherwise realistic pincodes should be provided)
  • For P2H2P shipments, dimensions are required in @ondc/org/payload_details in search request (LSP should send a NACK in case they are not provided)
  • The price for a next day delivery and approx distance of 4km is around 885INR and more (realistic prices should be provided)


  • start time range should be accurately recorded
  • end time range is required in case ready to ship = yes


  • fulfillment/type should not change (Prepaid)
  • /message/order/fulfillments/ must have required property 'start'
  • /message/order/fulfillments/ must have required property 'end'
  • order created_at and updated_at timestamps should be provided

/on_status (Order-picked-up and Out for delivery)

  • similar issues as /on_status
  • pickup (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) timestamp is missing

/on_status (Order-delivered)

  • similar issues as /on_status
  • delivery (fulfillments/end/time/timestamp)timestamp is missing

Cancelled Flow

  • similar issues as above


  • unsolicited /on_cancel flow should be provided with approproate cancellation_reason_id


Delivered Flow


  • time/duration of more than 24 hours should be converted to days
  • Item TAT timestamp should have the date for the next day w.r.t context timestamp for category 'Next Day Delivery'


  • Order has not been accepted even after one hour of order confirmation (Is this intentional)
  • @ondc/org/ewaybillno and @ondc/org/ebnexpirydate cannot change in /on_status

Canceled Flow

  • similar issues as above


Delivered Flow


  • /message/catalog/bpp/providers/items/time/timestamp should be in RFC 3339 UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSSZ) (incorrect: 2023-07-12T14:30:000.000Z)


  • delivery instructions are not required in /on_update


  • pickup date (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) is even before the order date
  • start and end time range should be in RFC 3339 UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSSZ)
    (incorrect: 2023-07-11T9:30:000.000Z)

Cancellation Flow

  • similar issues as above

Flow 1


  • created_at, updated_at mismatches in /billing in /init and /on_confirm

Flow 2


  • for cancellation_reason_id - 011 (Buyer not found or cannot be contacted), RTO should be initiated and RTO delivered/disposed should be supported


Flow 1 and Flow 2


  • start and end /time/range/start should be in RFC 3339 UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSSZ, incorrect: 2023-07-25T9:30:00.000Z)


  • /track is only applicable for hyperlocal Immediate Deliveries

Ques: Is RTO supported with all the possible states?


/track is only applicable for hyperlocal Immediate Deliveries.

  • (We are giving tracking details to Standard Delivery, Express Delivery, Same Day Delivery, Next Day Delivery also).

Ques: Is RTO supported with all the possible states?

  • We are supported RTO for all states except Completed state.


@shubhamdepasser For RTO, I meant if RTO Initiated, Delivered, Disposed are supported?

We have uploaded the resolved log Please give your valuable feedback.

Invalid Catalog; Payload should contain aggregate information rather than individual provider catalogs.


@abhinavv245 We have uploaded resolved logs in last few days please give your valuable feedback.


  • agent consignment related states must be sent as part of unsolicited calls


  • optional attributes @ondc/org/ewaybillno, @ondc/org/ebnexpirydate can't be empty


  • context/message_id can't be the same as /on_confirm message_id


  • Is live tracking supported for Grocery category?

@shubhamdepasser, Please provide RTO flow as well.

Point 1:
agent consignment related states must be sent as part of unsolicited calls

iThink feedback-

  • We are providing Standard Delivery and Express Delivery (Same Day Delivery, Next Day Delivery). But as of now we don't provide hyperlocal delivery so we are not providing agent consignment related states like (Searching-for-Agent, Agent-assigned).

Point 2:
optional attributes @ondc/org/ewaybillno, @ondc/org/ebnexpirydate can't be empty

iThink feedback-

  • According to Logistics Consensus, if the value of the shipment is more than 50000 then we will get the ewaybill number and expiry date from the sellers but in this case the shipment value is less than 50000 so we have not received the ewaybill number and expiry date from the seller.

Point 3:
context/timestamp can't be the same as /on_confirm timestamp.

iThink feedback-

  • We checked our logs, in that the Flow1 /on_confirm timestamp 2023-08-17T05:05:50.457Z and order /on_cancel timestamp 2023-08-17T06:16:42.494Z. and for the Flow2 /on_confirm timestamp 2023-08-17T05:11:02.853Z and order /on_cancel timestamp 2023-08-17T06:19:24.029Z, both on_confirm and on_cancel timestamp are different.

Point 4:
Is live tracking supported for Grocery category?

iThink feedback-

@bluecypher @abhinavv245

/on_status (RTO)

  • fulfillments/type should be "Prepaid" (in uppercase) for forward shipment
  • to process RTO delivery, the enum must be 'RTO-Delivered' in /fulfillments (type="RTO")
  • context/message_id should be unique for every unsolicited call


Delivered Flow


  • pickup time (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) is missing for fulfillment state - Order-delivered

Cancellation Flow (RTO)


  • context/timestamp should be in RFC 3339 UTC time format for fulfillment state - Pending
  • tracking must be boolean for fulfillment type RTO (RTO-Initiated)
  • RTO Pickup (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) time is missing for fulfillment state - RTO-Initiated


/on_status (Order-picked-up)

  • unsolicited call should be initiated for Order-picked-up state

/on_status (Out-for-delivery / Order-delivered)

  • pickup timestamp is not captured correctly; should be the same as in Order-picked-up state


@BLR-0118, the iThink Logistics (LSP) logs seem fine. Please proceed with your review.


@BLR-0118 Please share your valuable feedback.