
Shiprocket - compliance check

Closed this issue · 7 comments

  1. /on_confirm - order.created_at can't be changed as it was created in /confirm;
  2. /on_update - shipping label pdf should be sent in fulfillment.start.instructions.images;
  3. /on_status (pickup) - fulfillment.start.time.timestamp is mandatory;
  4. /on_status (delivered) - fulfillment.end.time.timestamp is mandatory;
  5. /on_cancel - fulfillment.id should be same as in /on_confirm but fulfillment state code should be set to cancelled;

@BLR-0118 Will check and update you.

@BLR-0118 Fixes pushed in the PR below please review.

Logs with Sellerapp

  1. /on_init:
  • provider id "60" & item id "60" selected in /init (for which quote was 2 in /on_search) but here the quote shows as 121.8 (which is the corresponding RTO quote);


  1. /search:
    The start and end pincodes are 560038 and 500081 resp. 560038 is Bangalore and 500081 is Hyderabad so, in this case, the Shipment zone is Zone_d. As this is a test environment so the zone rate for this zone is Rs 2. (Dummy Rate)

  2. /init:
    The start and end pincodes are 560038 and 560038 resp. 560038 is Bangalore only so, in this case, the Shipment zone is Zone_a. And for Zone_a in the database we have a zone rate of Rs 121.80 (Dummy Rate).

There was a change in pincodes in both requests and rates will change accordingly. Please let me know in case of any concerns.

Ok. Logistics buyer app should have called /search again but that's not happening in this case. Anyway, these logs are cleared for v1.1.0