
Shipsy - compliance check

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Flow 1


  • item TAT is given for 2 days, why is /items/time/timestamp provided for the date after 3 days w.r.t context/timestamp
  • the approx distance between start and end location is 16km and the shipment is P2H2P, is this intentional? (otherwise realistic pincodes should be provided)
  • dimensions are required in /search for P2H2P shipments (LSP should send NACK)


  • pickup and delivery time range should not be same


  • /track is applicable for hyperlocal "Immediate delivery" orders for now. (LSP should send NACK in this case)

Flow 2


  • All states of RTO should be provided


Flow 2


  • Provide /on_status responses for all fulfillment states prior to order cancellation


@abhinavv245 I have added the Pickup Completion log on_status call in the below PR


  • invalid NACK error response for /track; 60012 error code should be used


@BLR-0118, the Shipsy LSP logs v1.1.0 seem fine. Please proceed with your review.
