
Oogashop (logistics buyer) - compliance check

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Flow 1

  • Message Id cannot be same for different sets of APIs


  • provider/time/schedule/times should be removed


  • billing/created_at and updated_at does not match context timestamp - "2023-09-05T07:30:20.506Z", also timestamps not in RFC 3339 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SS.MSSZ) Format
  • why is buyer app sending settlement details if BAP is collecting the payment


  • item_id and title_type are invalid attributes in quote/breakup (buyer app should send NACK)
  • payment must have required property 'type' (schema error)


  • billing/created_at and updated_at mismatches in /billing in /init and /confirm, also timestamps not in RFC 3339 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SS.MSSZ) Format
  • @ondc/org/linked_order/items/quantity/measure/value must be number


  • updated_at does not match context timestamp - "2023-09-05T07:31:17.770Z"


  • /fulfillments must have required property 'type'
  • context must have required property 'bpp_id' and 'bpp_uri'
  • item_id and title_type are invalid attributes in quote/breakup
  • payment must have required property 'type'
  • fulfillments/start/time must have required property 'range' for fulfillment state -Order-delivered
  • fulfillments/end/time must have required property 'range' for fulfillment state -Order-delivered
  • 'awb_number' is an invalid attribute in /fulfillments
  • buyer app should send NACK for all such schema errors

Flow 2

  • similar issues as Flow 1
  • Incorrect Flow as per context/timestamps - (on_search,search,init,on_init,confirm,on_confirm,update,on_update,on_status,on_cancel)


  • Timestamp not in RFC 3339 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SS.MSSZ) Format


  • fulfillment_type is an invalid attribute in /fulfillments


Flow 1 and 2

  • Message Id cannot be same for different sets of APIs (/confirm and /update)


  • billing/created_at and updated_at mismatches in /billing in /init and /confirm (billing object should not change)
  • linked order total price in /confirm does not match the price in @ondc/org/payload_details in /search


  • what is the purpose of the /update call as order is marked ready_to_ship = yes in /confirm


Hi @abhinavv245 we have submitted our logs again at PR #580 . Please review them.

Hi @abhinavv245 our IGM logs are merged too, please review them if possible.

Hi @abhinavv245 we have submitted our logs again at PR #580 . Please merge and review.
Thanks and Regards

Flow 1 and 2

  • Message Id cannot be same for different sets of APIs


  • fulfillment/end/location/gps cannot be equal to start/location/gps '"12.910816, 77.546946" (how is buyer app handling this)
  • context/timestamp difference between on_search and search should be smaller than 1 sec (LSP with lower callback response time should be procured for optimized cascaded flow)


  • invalid value of tax_number provided in /billing
  • start and end location and contact details should not be same


  • values of PCC and DCC should be appropriate in fulfillments/start and end instructions
  • weight of individual item is not in sync with the entire order weight in /@ondc/org/linked_order
  • additional_desc is not required in start and end/instructions in fulfillments (in /update as well)
  • payment/@ondc/org/collection_amount is required for payment/type 'ON-FULFILLMENT'

Kindly test with a verified NP in Pre-prod environment

@oogashop @tanya-ondc

Logs rejected. Kindly test with a verified NP in Pre-prod environment.


Hi @abhinavv245 , we have submitted our logs at #635 which have been test with a verified NP whizzard whose contact was provided by Mr. Rohit from ONDC team. Please review these logs.

Flow 1

  • Message Id cannot be same for different sets of APIs (init,confirm,update)


  • Reverse Geocoding for start failed. Area Code 560001 not matching with 12.910816, 77.546946 Lat-Long pair
  • Reverse Geocoding for end failed. Area Code 560001 not matching with 12.910900, 77.546787 Lat-Long pair


  • /init/context must have required property 'ttl'


  • /confirm/message/order/billing/created_at mismatches in /billing in /init and /confirm
  • /confirm/message/order/billing/updated_at mismatches in /billing in /init and /confirm
  • /confirm/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/items/quantity/measure/value must be number
  • /confirm/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/order/weight/value Payload weight mismatches from /search


  • /update/context must have required property 'ttl'
  • /update/message/order/fulfillments/start and end need not have additional properties (location,contact,person)
  • /update/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/items/quantity/measure/value must be number
  • /update/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/order/weight/value Payload weight mismatches from /search
  • /update/message/order/updated_at does not match context timestamp - "2023-10-14T11:55:23.407Z"


  • /on_update/message/order/created_at mismatches in /confirm and /on_update

/on_status (buyer app should send NACK in case of descrepancies from LSP end, needs to be handled)

  • /on_status/message/order/state must be equal to one of the allowed values (Created,Accepted,In-progress,Completed,Cancelled)
  • /on_status/message/order/quote/breakup must have required property '@ondc/org/item_id'
  • /on_status/message/order/quote/breakup must have required property '@ondc/org/title_type'
  • /on_status/message/order/payment must have required property 'type' (payment__type is an invalid attribute)
  • Order state should be 'In-progress' for fulfillment state - Order-picked-up",
  • Pickup timestamp (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) is required for fulfillment state - Order-picked-up
  • Order state should be 'In-progress' for fulfillment state - Out-for-delivery",
  • Pickup timestamp (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) is missing for fulfillment state - Out-for-delivery
  • Pickup timestamp (fulfillments/start/time/timestamp) is missing for fulfillment state - Order-delivered
  • Delivery timestamp (fulfillments/end/time/timestamp) is required for fulfillment state - Order-delivered

Flow 2 (Buyer app should send NACK for all schema errors)


  • /on_update/0/message/order/updated_at should be greater than order/created_at "2023-10-14T12:07:00.119Z" in /confirm


  • /on_status/message/order must NOT have additional properties (init_message_order) (RTO Initiated and Delivered)
  • Timestamp not in RFC 3339 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SS.MSSZ) Format (Return Initiated)


  • /on_cancel/0/message/order must NOT have additional properties (cancel_order)


P.S. @jeevansanju could you please address these issues from LSP's end

@abhinavv245 As discussed over call by Manasa, these issues were not from our end. Kindly let us know if any other clarification is required from our end.

Hi @abhinavv245 , we have submitted logs with the modifications required at #641 . Please review the logs.

Flow 1 and 2


  • /init/0/message/order/billing/tax_number should be valid


  • null values to be removed (provider is not required in /order)


  • /on_update/0/message/order/fulfillments/0/id mismatch from /init (how is buyer app handling)

/on_cancel (buyer app should send NACK for schema errors)

  • /on_cancel/0/message/order/fulfillments/0 must NOT have additional properties (fulfillment_type)
  • order/fulfillments/0 must have required property 'type'


Hi @abhinavv245 , we have made the recommended changes, please review them.

Flow 1 and 2


  • Reverse Geocoding for start failed. Area Code 560001 not matching with 12.910816, 77.546946 Lat-Long pair.
  • Reverse Geocoding for end failed. Area Code 560001 not matching with 12.910900, 77.546787 Lat-Long pair.


  • /init/0/message/order/billing/tax_number should be valid


  • /confirm/0/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/order/weight/value must be number


  • /update/0/message/order/@ondc/org/linked_order/order/weight/value must be number


Hi @abhinavv245 we have submitted our logs again along with log reports generated by log validation utility. Please review them.

Logs cleared for Logistics Buyer v1.1.0
