
Qaddoo (RSF) - compliance check

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Invalid JSON payloads; refer to the RSF document for the correct APIs to be integrated.



  • /context/ttl must be "P2D" (instead of PT2D)
  • many invalid attributes; refer API contract for all the valid attributes
  • order_recon_status can't be null
  • invalid value of settlement_window; must be in ISO8601 duration format
  • created_at and updated_at timestamps can't be same in /orderbook/orders


@bluecypher fixed and raised another PR [https://github.com//pull/624] .

  • covered all the params this time.
  • order_recon_status is marked null in both of the provided data sample json and datasheet schema that created a confusion.
  • ISO duration formats are fixed.
  • timestamps are fixed now we mapped the updated_at with receciver_recon call timestamp.
  • settlement_timestamp can't be same as orderbook created_at timestamp

@rajeevrawat982, resubmit logs for settlement of any one order.

@bluecypher They are not same both were created in close proximity so only having difference in some milli seconds.

"created_at": "2023-10-11T04:59:31.700Z", , "settlement_timestamp": "2023-10-11T04:59:31.487Z"

@rajeevrawat982, settlement timestamp can't be earlier than orderbook creation timestamp.

@bluecypher #629 Please review a fix .

Logs cleared for RSF v1.0.0.
