
Pidge (LSP) - compliance check

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Flow 1


  • Reverse Geocoding for start failed. Area Code 560061 not matching with 12.900343, 77.518792 Lat-Long pair.


  • fulfillments/end/location/address/building must NOT have fewer than 3 characters


  • Same Day Delivery category TAT should be such that it does not exceed the date w.r.t context date
  • items/time/timstamp should be w.r.t to the context/timestamp i.e TAT + context date


  • how is BPP (LSP in this case) collecting payment when payment type is POST FULFILLMENT


  • why is start/instructions/short_desc changing in update


  • pickup and delivery time slots not in sync with the TAT provided in on_search and should be recorded correctly


  • pickup and delivery time range should not change
  • is live tracking enabled by LSP (if yes, should be consistent with on_confirm)

Flow 2

  • similar issues as above


  • quote price is not matching with the total breakup price (RTO-Initiated and RTO-Delivered)
  • how is RTO-initiated time range and timestamp even before order was cancelled in /on_cancel
