
SellerApp - compliance check

Closed this issue · 6 comments

  1. /on_search:
  • category "Packaged Commodities" is deprecated and can't be used. Pls use one of the non-deprecated categories from this list and use the same for serviceability construct as well;
  • for category "Home \u0026 Decor", you should escape the "&" so that direct string matches don't throw exceptions;
  • item.quantity.available.count & item.quantity.maximum.count needs to be sent as string (as per contract); otherwise, your stores won't show up on any buyer app;
  1. /on_select:
  • item.quantity.available.count & item.quantity.maximum.count are string (as per contract);
  1. /on_init:
  • how did quote.price change here compared to /on_select? This isn't allowed;
  1. /on_confirm:
  • how did order.created_at timestamp get changed here? This has to be the same as what was set in /confirm;
  • fulfillment.start.location.descriptor.name is missing;
  1. /on_status_packed:
  • fulfillment.start.location.descriptor.name is missing;
  1. /on_status_pickedup:
  • fulfillment.start.location.descriptor.name is missing;
  1. /on_update_liquidated:
  • pls use the same message_id as /update;
  • quote should be updated to latest order value (liquidated means seller has agreed to return, without wanting the item back), so that buyer app can calculate refund due to seller;
  1. /on_update_return_pending:
  • pls use the same message_id as /update;
  1. 7 & 8 also apply to flow 3 & other flows with /update;

Flow 2

  1. /on_init_different_address: this payload is invalid. It needs to be compliant with the contract (check sample payload documented under /on_select in the contract). Also use one of the 3* error codes (for seller app) instead of reusing the LSP error code

3. on_init
quote.price change is due to Logistics Partner gave different delivery fees on init response.

Fixed and Submitted logs for the above issues. @BLR-0118

  1. /on_search:
  • only non-deprecated categories from this list can be used;
  • time.schedule.holidays is a mandatory key (can be empty);
  • serviceability needs to be defined for every category used, otherwise, it won't show up in any buyer app;
  • item.available.quantity can't be greater than item.maximum.quantity;
  • "Home Decor" is not a valid category;

Flow 1

  1. /on_select, /on_init - item.available.quantity can't be greater than item.maximum.quantity;
  2. /on_update_liquidated:
  • should show the entire state of order, i.e. items liquidated and the other item(s) also;

Flow 2

  1. /on_init_different_address:
  • serviceability error means there is no delivery charge;

Flow 3

  1. /on_update_pending:
  • Context.timestamp is invalid (pls check other APIs for this as well);

logs cleared for v1.1.0