
Mystore seller app - compliance check

Closed this issue · 28 comments

  1. Logs need to be submitted separately for each flow as per the test case scenario here;
  2. No /on_search?
  3. /on_select:
  • item_quantity.count is integer;
  1. /on_init:
  • payment should only have buyer_app_finder_fee_type ("percent"), amount, settlement_details;
  1. /on_confirm:
  • order.created_at & updated_at is required;
  1. /on_status (2):
  • pickup time (fulfillment.start.time.timestamp) needs to be provided when order is picked up;
  1. /on_status (3):
  • pickup time (above) and delivery time (fulfillment.end.time.timestamp) needs to be provided;

Flow 1

  1. /on_search:
  • time.timestamp for "enable" has to match Context.timestamp;
  • time.schedule.holidays is mandatory key (can be empty array);
  • contact_details_consumer_care should be in this format: "name, email, contactno";
  • category_id should be one of the non-deprecated categories in this list;
  • same category_id as above should be in serviceability construct definition;
  1. /on_init:
  • payment should have buyer app finder fee type & amount;
  1. /on_status(1):
  • delivery time (fulfillment.end.time.timestamp) can't be set when order is picked up;
  1. /on_status(2):
  • pickup time (fulfillment.start.time.timestamp) should be the same as what was set in /on_status(1);
  1. for both (3) & (4) above, order.created_at can't be changed from what was set in confirm but order.updated_at should be updated;

Flow 2 - need sample payload for non-serviceable usecase, /on_cancel;

Flow 4 - no payload for item out of stock;

No /on_update payload in 1 or 3 as per the testcase scenario?

we have resubmitted the log with the above correction plz check
we are not supporting returnable items that's why no on_update

Flow 1

  1. /on_search:
  • timestamp for "enable" has to match Context.timestamp;
  • category_id (for item, serviceability) has to be one of the non-deprecated categories from this list;
  • this key is invalid:
  •         "availibility": {
            "is_open": 1,
            "start_time": "2023-03-15T18:32:00.000Z",
            "end_time": "2023-03-16T16:30:00.000Z"
  1. /on_select:
  • select has 2 items (not sure what the item without fulfillment_id means??) but on_select has quote for only 1 item;
  • total price for the item doesn't match item price * quantity;
  1. /on_status_1:
  • order.state of packed is invalid;
  1. /on_status_2:
  • fulfillment.start.contact.phone & email are invalid;
  • fulfillment.start.time.timestamp required;
  1. No update APIs?

Flow 2

  1. Non-serviceable flow:
  • since fulfillment is non-serviceable, there can't be any fulfillment level charges;

Flow 4

  1. No item out of stock payload?

We have resubmitted the log with the above correction and we need to discuss about how the flow 4 out of stock error will be sent if seller is unable to fulfill all of the quantities of some items.

We can have a call together if required.

Flow 1

  1. /on_search:
  • core_version should be "1.1.0" (for all APIs);
  • no formatting in any free text (e.g. bpp/providers.short_desc & long_desc);
  • category_id should be one of the non-deprecated categories in this list;
  1. /select:
  • payload is wrong: buyer app doesn't assign item.fulfillment_id (surprisingly, this is only in your log, not anyone else's);
  1. /on_confirm:
  • fulfillment.start.location.gps is different from bpp/providers.locations.gp;
  1. /on_status_1:
  • order.state of "Order picked up" is invalid;
  • order.updated_at should be updated whenever any status changes;
  1. No /on_update?

Flow 4

  1. /on_select:
  • item "out of stock" payload is invalid (quote.breakup should have the item with item_quantity = 0);
  • unit price * qty is not matching total price;
  1. Feedback implemented

  2. payload is wrong: buyer app doesn't assign item.fulfillment_id , We are using refrence buyer app

  3. we are not supporting returnable items that's why no on_update

logs have to be resubmitted for all scenarios

Logs resubmitted

we are not supporting returnable items that's why no on_update

Flow 1

  1. /on_search:
  • item.category_id should be same as category in serviceability definition. Also, item.category_id should be one of the non-deprecated categories in this list;
  1. /select:
  • item.fulfillment_id showing here is wrong. Only shows up for your logs & no one else's. Why?
  1. /on_confirm:
  • fulfillment.start.location.descriptor.name should be the store name as defined in /on_search;
  • is the confirm & on_confirm flow, as documented here, enabled?
  1. /on_update has to be supported, irrespective of whether items are returnable or not;

Flow 4

  1. /on_select:
  • total price for either item in quote.breakup is not equal to unit price * qty;

Flow 1 point 1 mentioned above not addressed. No point in resubmitting logs without fixing the issues

We have resolved that category_id issue and regarding /select there is no issue from our and also please give feedback for all the issue so that we fix all the issues and then submit the logs.

Flow 1

  1. /on_search:
  • "@ondc/org/mandatory_reqs_veggies_fruits"."net_quantity" is string & includes value + UOM (as per contract);
  1. /on_update:
  • message_id should be same as /update;
  • quote.breakup should have the item that was returned with item_quantity = 0;
  • no interim states for update (like return initiated, return picked, etc)?

pls resubmit logs for flow 1

@BLR-0118 can you please review the logs we have resubmitted the updated flow of logs.

  1. item.fulfillment_id is not valid in /select and item.location_id isn't valid in /on_select;
  2. /on_confirm:
  • order.updated_at should be updated to Context.timestamp;
  1. /on_update:
  • should show the complete order trail, i.e. all items in the order & not just the item being returned;
  • all amounts ("value") should be string but in this case, some are integer & others string;

@BLR-0118 Logs are resubmitted plz review there's no issue from our end for select fulfullment_id, Please check others except this /select fulfillment_id we currently in touch with ondc team(for this issue generated by buyer reference app).

  1. /on_search:
  • item.category_id is fruits and vegetables but serviceability category is packaged foods. what does this mean?
  1. /select call is invalid as it includes fulfillment id assigned to item. This should be rejected by seller app. How did this get processed?
  2. /on_update:
  • quote.breakup.item_quantity.count should be integer, not string (one is string, others are integers)

@BLR-0118 Logs resubmitted , Select call fulfillment_id issue resolved now and feedback implemented

logs cleared for v1.1.0