Using build_ Tools are built and executed locally/ encountered an exception. Please help me solve it, thank you
9527-lang opened this issue · 3 comments
Execution/ or/ has been experiencing this issue consistently. This caused me to keep compiling unsuccessfully. I tried to install nodejs and npm successfully, but this problem also occurred. I am a new Ubuntu 14 LTS system
Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you. @igwyd
Hello @9527-lang, sorry for the late reply. We don't test compilation on ubuntu less then 16.04, i guess there may be problems. Can you try compile on the Ubuntu 16.04 - 20.04? I recommend doing this on the server with not less then 4 cpu 8 RAM and outside Great Firewall of China.
我也遇到一样的问题,你需要换成server版本就可以了。 猜测desktop版本的问题。
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