Question: Is it possible to use the convert service by passing the stream of the file instead of a url to download it from ?
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Sorry I must be really stupid can you give me an example on how to use convertService ? I don't quite understand how to set the stream/byte array/file to convert in the call.
I wanted to avoid having onlyoffice download the file from a url and pass the file stream directly to it. Is this possible ?
Here my full example:
private void transformWithSDK(final String sourceMimetype, final String targetMimetype, final Map<String, String> parameters,
final File sourceFile, final File targetFile, TransformManager transformManager) throws Exception
{"START TRANSFORMER SDK '"+this.getClass().getSimpleName());
String extensionSource = FilenameUtils.getExtension(sourceFile.getName());
String extensionTarget = FilenameUtils.getExtension(targetFile.getName());
String srcType = extensionSource;
String outType = extensionTarget;
String url = urlManager.getInnerDocumentServerUrl();
Security security = Security.builder()
HttpClientSettings httpClientSettings = HttpClientSettings.builder()
String convertServiceUrl = settingsManager.getDocsIntegrationSdkProperties()
ConvertRequest convertRequest = ConvertRequest.builder()
.filetype(srcType) // txt
.outputtype(outType) // docx
.key(new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyHHmmss").format(new Date()))
.url(sourceFile.toURI().toURL().toString()) // ????? I MUS CREATE A GET SERVICE FOR ONLYOFFICE ???
urlManager.sanitizeUrl(url) + convertServiceUrl,
new RequestManager.Callback< ValidationResult>() {
public ValidationResult doWork(final Object response) throws Exception {
String content = IOUtils.toString(((HttpEntity) response).getContent(), "utf-8").trim();
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(content);
if (result.has("error")) {
Integer errorCode = result.getInt("error");
return ValidationResult.builder()
String fileUrl = result.getString("fileUrl");
return requestManager.executeGetRequest(
new RequestManager.Callback<ValidationResult>() {
public ValidationResult doWork(final Object response) throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray((HttpEntity) response);
if (bytes.length > 0) {
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(targetFile, bytes);
return ValidationResult.builder()
} else {
return ValidationResult.builder()
});"END TRANSFORMER SDK '"+this.getClass().getSimpleName());
I'm afraid it's not possible to use a stream with the conversion service, this has to be a URL to the file you want to convert:
You can take a look at our Confluence integration to see how the SDK could be used to set up conversion:
Ty for the response ! I will prepare a rest service for retrieve the target file then