
Consider maintaining a homebrew tap

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I noticed the onboarding is aimed at macOS users, and often mentions homebrew. dp-cli would be a great candidate for an in-house homebrew tap. This would simplify both the installation (including dependencies) and update processes.

Further info:

With the 227 dp repositories I've just been subscribed to right off the bat as part of the digitalpublishing team, there's likely more tools/software that could be distributed/managed via a tap.

Great idea, I've recently been looking into making sure the tool shows users if the version they are running is out of date. Never thought of using brew, I'm going to take a look into this when I can.

brew tap ONSdigital/homebrew-dp-cli git@github.com:ONSdigital/homebrew-dp-cli

brew install dp-cli

Thanks for the suggestion

gedge commented

#110 instructions now merged