
Invariant Violation: OPSQLite could not be found

Closed this issue · 3 comments

gvt commented

When I attempt to use the op-sqlite to perform any operation, such as opening a connection to a db, it fails with this error:

 ERROR  Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'OPSQLite' could not be found. Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary., js engine: hermes

This problem may be something that I am doing wrong, or a quirk of my dev env. It seems to be saying that something went wrong in the native binary.


  • MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1 on a MacBook Pro M1 Max (ARM)
  • Simulator iOS version: 17.0
  • op-sqlite version: 2.0.18
  • RN version: 0.72.7

Reproducible example
When I import this code sample into my app.tsx file it causes the error.

import { open } from "@op-engineering/op-sqlite"
const db = open({ name: 'myDb.sqlite' })
Screenshot of the error in Terminal and iOS Simulator

I'm still missing some data. It looks you might be using the new arch, which might be causing some issues. You need to create a minimal reproducible example for me to take a look at.

Edit: tried a brand new project with the new arch enabled. Everything is working. There is something wrong with your project. Try clearing the caches, re-installing pods, etc.

gvt commented

I got this working in my environment, and this may help others in my situation.

The version of React Native I am using, 0.72.7 is a "new arch" version but support in the native build processes is not enabled by default, there are additional steps.

As described on a separate page in the the React Native docs, to enable the the New Architecture on iOS:

RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 npx pod-install
npm run ios

(If first time running pod install then you will want to do this first:)

RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 npx expo prebuild

And for Android as described in the React Native docs, edit android/gradle.properties:


And then run the app to build:

npm run android

And then I am able to use op-sqlite without errors.

Perhaps this should be added to the documentation so that other people dont have the same problem.

Enabling the new arch is a general procedure for RN and does not affect op-sqlite. The module correctly links if you have enabled it and ran pod install correctly, so nothing to do here.