Difficulties adjusting to different versions of HDFEOS2 library for HDF4 files

captainkirk99 opened this issue · 2 comments

The HDFEOS2 library is for NASA HDF4 files, like MODIS.

As discussed in this issue (SpatioTemporal/STAREmaster#111), there are two different versions of HDFEOS2 that should be accomodated, 2.19 and 2.20. Unfortunately there is some const changes which interact badly with the hdf4_handler file

In there is code that passes some of the HDFEOS2 functions as function pointers to a function that calls the HDFEOS2 function. For example:

    vector<string> gridlist;
    if (!Utility::ReadNamelist(file->path.c_str(), GDinqgrid, gridlist)) {
        delete file;
        throw1("Grid ReadNamelist failed.");

This is calling the Utility::ReadNamelist() function, which is also in

// Read name list from the EOS2 APIs and store names into a vector
bool Utility::ReadNamelist(const char *path,
                           int32 (*inq)(const char *, char *, int32 *),
                           vector<string> &names)
    char *fname = const_cast<char *>(path);
    int32 bufsize;
    int numobjs;

    if ((numobjs = inq(fname, NULL, &bufsize)) == -1) return false;
    if (numobjs > 0) {
        vector<char> buffer;
        buffer.resize(bufsize + 1);
        if (inq(fname, &buffer[0], &bufsize) == -1) return false;
        HDFCFUtil::Split(&buffer[0], bufsize, ',', names);
    return true;

Note that the second (unnamed) parameter to ReadNamelis() is a function pointer.

This ReadNamelist function is called only 3 times, for functions GDinqgrid(), SWinqswath(), and PTinqpoint().

The challenge here is that one of these functions, SWinqswath(), has a different first parameter in 2.19 and 2.20. In 2.20 it adds a const.

OK, roger that!