
GASVISCT Issue in Release and Master

Closed this issue · 1 comments

PR #3192 fixed the incorrect JSON definition that prevented the model from running. However, on rerunning the user's model with the following thermal properties:

--       TEMP       SPECHEAT   SPECHEAT   SPECHEAT                                     
--                  OIL        WATER      GAS                                       
           0.000     0.5000     1.0000     0.2500
         300.000     0.5000     1.0000     0.2500          / 
--       SPECIFIC HEAT OF ROCK                                                                   
--       TEMP       SPECHEAT                                                           
           0.000     33.000                       
         300.000     32.000                                / 

-- Temp  Viscosity
  100    87.00 -- 205.2896  --1380
  150    87.00 -- 205.2896
  200    87.00 -- 205.2896   -- 47
-- Temp  Viscosity
   75    0.5506
  150    0.5506
-- Temp  Viscosity
   75    0.01333
  150    0.01334
  200    0.01335

-- Ref Press  Ref GOR
900 0.060

and using the latest master I still get this error, again.

An error occurred while creating the reservoir properties
Internal error: Tried to get back() from empty DeckView

Error: Unrecoverable errors while loading input: Tried to get back() from empty DeckView

So something is still amiss.

If I comment out GASVISCT then the job runs okay, and the results appear reasonable. I also created a non-thermal model and changed the thermal model viscosites to have the same values as the non-thermal case (as above). Both runs give nearly identical results, as expected.

So has GSAVISCT been implemented?

Issue fixed with #3513