
How about we use this place for general AToM IPS support issues?

dlg0 opened this issue · 6 comments

dlg0 commented

Testing @ORNL-Fusion/ips-support-team

Then you should probably make the AToM members be part of this repository.
FYI. Notice that you can cross-reference issues between repositories: https://github.com/blog/967-github-secrets

dlg0 commented

@orso82 Of course. Question though ... how / why were you alerted to the existence of this issue? In fact I may just make the repo public to read.

EDIT : nevermind, I figured it out.


I don't have a strong opinion, but it seems like an ORNL-Fusion/ips-atom repository is in order for this. Thoughts?

@dlg0 because I asked @parkjm to be member of this repository to keep abreast of the most recent IPS developments

dlg0 commented

@jcandy @ORNL-Fusion/ips-support-team While I would like to see the IPS on GitHub, the issue is that the IPS proper (i.e., without all the plasma physics specific wrapper codes) is used by people outside of fusion as well, and the repo for that is on SourceForge - as such its developers are reluctant to move it.

The part of the IPS that relates specifically to fusion is really just the set of wrappers that interface with the various physics codes. We have the most recently developed IPS-wrappers in this repo, and will transition over the legacy wrappers as time permits.

At present all the IPS support is done via email, which is proving to be insufficient. Since this will be a location for user support, I could certainly rename this repo to ORNL-Fusion/ips-atom to make it clearer that issues here are related to the AToM project.

Who knows, maybe @elwasif will be so impressed by GitHub that even move over the IPS proper ;)

New name looks good and the explanation makes sense. Thanks David.