
Unable to build saiku - error in opening zip file: pentaho\mondrian\\mondrian-

stone-bits opened this issue · 3 comments

Unable to build saiku.

Try to build 3.16.1
Maven - 3.6.3
JDK x64 -

Error in opening zip file: pentaho\mondrian\\mondrian-

Tried to clean maven repository - not helped.

I think that maybe the problem with your maven config.
Delete the mondrian- in your repository and try again.

same problem here. I use the default maven settings.xml config file. no luck

LIlGG commented

默认的 pom 里的服务器挂掉了 我更改了maven仓库地址。将原先的仓库注释掉,然后使用新的仓库,你可以考虑尝试一下。英语不好,只能用中文回答,抱歉

<!--       <repository>
        </snapshotRepository> -->

        <!-- <repository>
            <id>Analytical Labs Repo</id>
            <name>Analytical Labs Repo-releases</name>
            <id>Analytical Labs snapshots</id>
            <name>Analytical Labs Repo-releases</name>
        </repository> -->