
Time for new release?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

A neat change log has accumulated since the 1.0.2 release: 1.0.2...main
Perhaps the biggest change is the added support of CMake.
Maybe it is time for a new release: 1.0.3?

There is a pending pull request #37, which I'm not sure if it should go to a patch release or rather to 1.1.0?

A future 1.1.0 release could possibly also be a the first release with CMake only (ie. dropping Autotools configure) – to simplify maintenance. If this proposition is agreed upon, I'd suggest we deprecate Autotools configure with the 1.0.3 release and then create a 1.0 release branch.

I am in favor of a new release.

Perhaps we could borrow the https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/blob/main/utils/generate_release_notes.py script to simplify the ChangeLog creation with due author credit entries etc.?

So, suggestion for the roadmap:

Create the upcoming version 1.0.3 release:

Then create a 1.0 release branch.

Create the upcoming version 1.1.0 release:

  • drop Autotools configure
  • merge #37
  • first release with CMake only

Sounds good to me!

Silly question: "deprecate Autotools configure with the 1.0.3 release" - simply by communicating it in the release notes or by doing more?

Silly question: "deprecate Autotools configure with the 1.0.3 release" - simply by communicating it in the release notes or by doing more?

Yes, I think that is what we can do, and encourage building/installation using cmake.

Silly question: "deprecate Autotools configure with the 1.0.3 release" - simply by communicating it in the release notes or by doing more?

Addressed in #43