
Consider to also transfer driver pytest scripts

neteler opened this issue · 2 comments

Two pytests may be saved from the GDAL repo:

(as they will be removed from GDAL in OSGeo/gdal#5672)

and use them here in the CI.

I started to look into this, I fail to open the data located in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/release/3.4/autotest/ogr/data/PERMANENT

 ogrinfo --config CPL_DEBUG ON /Users/nilason/Downloads/gdal-release-3.4/autotest/ogr/data/PERMANENT/vector/point/head
GDAL: Auto register /Users/Shared/gdalauto/ogr_GRASS.dylib using RegisterOGRGRASS.
GDAL: Auto register /Users/Shared/gdalauto/gdal_GRASS.dylib using GDALRegister_GRASS.
GRASS: OGRGRASSDataSource::SplitPath
GRASS: Gisdbase: /Users/nilason/Downloads/gdal-release-3.4/autotest/ogr
GRASS: Location: data
GRASS: Map: point
Warning 1: GRASS fatal error: Unable to open element file <> for <WIND@PERMANENT>

I note that there is no WIND file there. Could that be the problem? If so, did this test work at all?
(The driver does work with random vector files from eg. nc_spm_full_v2alpha2.)

I note that there is no WIND file there. Could that be the problem?

Yes, this will be the problem.

If so, did this test work at all?

Maybe it was never really run?